kartu 2 akan kalah dengan 3,
kalah dengan 4,
kalah dengan 5,
kalah dengan J (jack)
kalah dengan Q (Queen)
kalah dengan K (King)
kalah dengan A (Ace)(dalam poker, A bisa menjadi angka 1 kalau mau, yang
berarti nilai terendah). Jenis kartu tidak pengaruh sama sekali. Misalnya
kartu J Hati dengan
J Sekop (Spade) nilainya sama.Bila ada 2/lebih pemain mempunyai nilai yang
sama, maka dilihat kartu
mana yang lebih tinggi nilainya.Misalnya dua pemain mempunyai
tertinggi A Hati dan A Sekop, maka nilainya sama. Jadi dilihat kartunya
kedua. Mana yang nilainya lebih tinggi? Kalau masih sama juga, berarti
dan uang taruhan dibagi 2.
One Pair adalah pemenang dari kombinasi kartu yang dimiliki pemain dari nilai
tertinggi. Nilai kartu tertinggi berapapun akan kalah dengan One Pair.
One Pair kalah dengan Two Pair,
Two Pair kalah dengan Three of a Kind,
Three of a Kind kalah dengan Straight,
Straight kalah dengan Flush,
Flush kalah dengan Full House,
Full House kalah dengan Four of a Kind,
Four of a Kind kalah dengan Straight Flush,
Straight Flush” kalah dengan Royal Flush,
Pair= satu pasangan kartu. Misalnya: 2-2-7-9-J
Pair= ada 2 pasangan kartu. Misalnya: 2-2-7-7-J
of a Kind”= ada 3 kartu nilainya sama. Misalnya: 2-2-2-7-J
kartunya berurutan nilainya. Misalnya: A-2-3-4-5 atau
(kalau Q-K-A-2-3 gak boleh, karena dianggap tidak berurutan,
di sini A menjadi angka 1 yang merupakan angka terendah, sekaligus
Ace yang merupakan angka tertinggi).
Semua kartu sama jenisnya, dan nilainya tak berurutan. Misalnya
5 kartu tersebut adalah kartu Hati.
House= Satu pasangan kartu dan tiga kartu sama. Gabungan “One
dan “Three of a Kind”. Misalnya: 2-2-2-7-7 atau 3-3-J-J-J.
of a Kind= 4 kartu nilainya sama. Misalnya: 2-2-2-2-J
Flush= Semua kartu sama jenisnya, dan nilainya berurutan.
Semua 5 kartu tersebut adalah kartu Hati, dan nilainya
Flush= sama dengan Straight Flush, tapi nilainya tertinggi.
kata lain merupakan kombinasi Flush yang paling baik. Misalnya:
5 kartu tersebut adalah kartu Hati, dan nilainya 10-J-Q-K-A.
diantara dua pemain mendapatkan One Pair, maka dilihat mana pasangan
yang paling tinggi nilainya. Misalnya 2-2-7-9-J, kalah dengan
Karena nilai 3 lebih tinggi daripada 2.
Bet adalah taruhan, bisa call, raise,atau fold
“Call” atau “Stay In”, berarti dia akan ikut main, dengan menaruh
sejumlah uang yang ditaruhkan oleh pemain lain terakhir kali.
hal ini yang 10 dolar.
“Raise” berarti dia akan ikut main, menaruh taruhannya, dengan nilai
yang lebih tinggi (lebih tinggi dari nilai taruhan sebelumnya,
hal ini lebih tinggi dari 10 dolar, misalnya dia menaruh 20 dolar).
“Fold” berarti dia tak akan ikut main. Jadi dia tak ikut taruhan, dan
Lalu disusul pemain sebelah kirinya lagi, mau “call”, “raise”, atau
begitu seterusnya.
Setelah itu, 3 kartu dibagi terbuka dan diletakkan di pusat meja,
ronde pasang taruhan yang kedua.
Seperti sebelumnya, secara bergantian pemain-pemain melakukan lagi
“raise”, atau “fold”, dimulai dari pemain di sebelah kiri yang
ante ke dua tadi. Kartu di pusat meja ini dinamakan “Community
Dan ronde ini dinamakan “Flop”.
Setelah itu, dibuka satu kartu lagi kartu “Community Cards” yang
Ini dinamakan “Turn Card”/”4th Street”
disusul dengan “bet” atau taruhan lagi seperti sebelumnya.
Lalu kartu terakhir “Community Cards” dibuka lagi, ini dinamakan “River
ada dua pemain mendapat “One Pair” yang nilainya sama, maka dilihat
yang lain, mana yang lebih tinggi. Misalnya: 2-2-7-9-J, kalah dengan
Karena nilai 8 lebih tinggi daripada 9. 2-2-7-9-J kalah dengan
Karena nilai Q lebih tinggi daripada J.
seterusnya, begitu pula pada kombinasi kartu yang lain. Misalnya:
A-2-3-4-5 kalah dengan 3-4-5-6-7.
ada dua pemain mempunyai nilai dan kombinasi kartu yang sama, maka
dibagi dua. Misalnya salah satu pemain mendapat 2-3-4-5-6, dan
lainnya juga mendapat 2-3-4-5-6, maka hasilnya seri dan taruhan
sekali lagi, urut-urutan nilai kombinasi kartu dari yang terendah
sebagai berikut:
Kartu nilai tertinggi
One Pair
Two Pair
Three of A Kind
Full House
Four of a Kind
Straight Flush
Royal Flush
sudah tahu urut-urutan kombinasi kartu poker, lalu cara mainnya
bermacam-macam sistem cara main poker, diantaranya
yang namanya: “Texas Hold’em Rules”, yaitu seperti ini:
Misalkan ada 4 pemain. Pemain satu, pemain dua, pemain tiga, dan pemain
Masing-masing pemain akan bergantian menjadi “dealer” (pembagi kartu),
searah dengan jarum jam. Misalnya pemain satu menjadi
maka dia yang akan membagikan kartu-kartunya nanti.
Sebelum kartu-kartu dibagikan, 2 pemain di sebelah kiri dealer menaruh
yang dinamakan Ante. Ante yang pertama lebih kecil
ante yang berikutnya. Misalnya: pemain satu adalah dealer,
pemain sebelah kirinya, misalkan pemain dua, menaruh Ante nya 5
dan pemain selanjutnya lagi, yaitu pemain tiga, menaruh Antenya
10 dolar. Ante biasa dikenal juga dengan Blind Bets.
Kumpulan dari chip-chip/taruhan di tengah meja tersebut untuk
dinamakan “Pot”.- Lalu kartu dibagi, masing-masing pemain
2 kartu. 2 Kartu ini dinamakan “Private Cards”/”Hole Cards”.
Lalu setelah kartunya dilihat (pemain tak boleh lihat kartu milik
lain, harus lihat miliknya sendiri!), pemain di sebelah kiri
yang ngasih ante kedua, melakukan “bet” pertama kali. Dalam hal
karena yang ngasih ante kedua adalah pemain tiga, maka yang melakukan
pertama kali adalah pemain empat.
disusul dengan “bet” atau taruhan lagi seperti sebelumnya. Ini adalah
taruhan yang terakhir.
Selanjutnya para pemain membuka kartu miliknya, dan mengkombinasikan
dg kartu yang terlihat di meja, menjadi 5 kartu yang
baik kombinasinya.
hal yang perlu anda perharikan dalam permainan ini yaitu relaks dan jangan
terlalu nafsu ketika melihat kartu bagus karena belum tentu anda yang menang,
usahakan buka 3 kartu di meja dahulu jika anda punya kartu bagus, jika anda
sudah yakin silahkan all in SUKSESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Game, who called the game for sure nothing to lose and win, but we put a little more hope to win, okay... now I want to give you tips for the players in his special POKER POKER GOD,,
1) Know yourself.
There are some players who fit for the tournament, some of the best people at the table infinite (unlimited chip-owned) and while other players continue to play with limited desk, looking for strengths and use them. Once again, the more often you play will make you recognize your own abilities.
Update: It boils down to this, when you play poker. The good habit of introspection will first play, bounce and play our experiences so far. Roughly we include a suitable poker players in the game where? The tournament, a table with a small capital limit, a desk with a large capital limit, a table with unlimited capital limit or duel / fight one by one to the other players.
Well, at least we can measure ourselves. Large a capital that we have, and Tolerance tenangkah ourselves in playing the (mental), is tinggikah hours flying around us, or we're playing at a table terbiasakah small / large?
2) Strengthen the knowledge about the game of poker.
These points can add insight when playing poker, there is a lot of literature that can be found on the internet. Good poker players joining forums, rajing visited online poker sites (usually available your column about the game of poker), sharing with fellow poker players (friends perbanyaklah poker player) and others.
Thus, you will gain the experience of sharing the information obtained. And it can increase your confidence as a poker player. Makes you understand how to analyze the game and apply what you learn.
3) Show your seriousness in play.
The main purpose of this one point is; WHEN you want to win in the game of poker, you have to be serious when I'm playing. Be serious, of course with your own style. Rest assured, your seriousness and experience while playing that you have a solid foundation to become a reliable poker player.
4) Set goals and Set time limit play.
This point can make you stable and strong when playing poker. Make a goal of starting your intentions when going to start the game. When you intend to win with the capital you have, it reinforced a determination that you will win. When creating goals, it is important to have more specific targets. After that, set your time limit to make it happen.
For example:
Achieve the victory target = 20 M chips (minus capital owned)
Limit play time = 3 hours.
The most important thing here, you have a commitment to results. If one of the two targets above is achieved, then you MUST stop.
Trust me, the game of poker can not be determined with certainty. There is no guarantee how long you have good cards (that won) and how strong mentally (the stability of the rhythm) as well as your physical in playing poker. Do not ignore this vital point. Discipline is an important part of playing poker online. At this point we can get used to the situation, so that it knows when to play poker yourself and when to stop playing.
5) Be patient and tenacious inside play.
Great influence patience in playing for your success playing poker. Expand flying hours in a variety of game situations. To this point, you should understand the mental / psychological time you play. You should be aware, when in sickness or angry or upset or in a bad mood is a moment that is not good for playing poker. Because it will directly influence the decisions that we will do when playing.
6) Developing the game gradually.
An improvement when you get better at analyzing the opportunities and all can add your experience and strengthen your character as a good poker player. Tried hard to be able to make you successful in playing poker.
At this point a very important core is gradually play, learn and hone your ability to play poker. Start from scratch with a small capital. (When you're used to playing with a large capital, you should be able to adjust when you get knocked out and left with very little capital. And do not be surprised, when you win is still being used and keep your mental stability.)
Gradually increase your poker playing ability, level by level. Do not force yourself to direct the play at the table, when you win big.
Tip: When you want to play great on the table, play at a level above the level first. (Eg for 2x round game, then new bealih to the next level - if you play it cool considered).
7) Have a plan and a purpose.
This point is different from the point number 4 above, it is important you understand the point. The bottom line is you play poker principle.
For what playing poker?
Hobbies, Business, Work or do you really want to become a professional poker player ...
Do you want to achieve satisfaction, Hobbies satisfied? just spend time? or is there something else; try you describe a moment.
For example: If you win how, and lost what?
Some players might be satisfied with mastering the game with a small bet and then try to type the tournament, while the other players want to master the stakes are high.
If you do not have a plan of their own, chances are that you are part of the plans of others who really engage in playing poker. Just a note even if it is just a hobby, you should be good to limit yourself. Especially if you rely on capital from buying chips.
8) Be realistic and set goals that you know you can achieve it.
This point is related to the number six (6) above, we should gradually be able to measure our ability to win. Whether in the circumstances of capital owned chips, cards in hand, and our mental situation.
When a small chance your card, do not expect grandiose to win (do not get used to relying on hockey / fate alone). Believe me, the art of playing poker is not the same to you playing dice. Throw it and see .... ! And poker is not like horse race betting or lottery / sweepstakes ....
9) Treat others the same way you want to be treated.
Be respectful and avoid foul language in which you play. (Online poker room). Realize, you're playing against people like you (they are also the same as you, online and play with you). There is nothing worse than playing poker with a bad attitude, be a humble winner and a gracious winner with a great attitude.
10) The most important may be this one - have fun.
Make you enjoy the game, play with fun and joy will make you relaxed and calm. In playing online poker, you have to understand it. Professional poker players love and love to play poker, and they are aware and to realize a good attitude.
So tips for successful play poker, which is often the inspiration of real poker players in the world of gambling.
May be useful to broaden the horizon we all ......
Friday, February 22, 2013
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user id:
For those members who do not have a user id can directly click on menu list and fill in all the requested data2x following the desired user id, passwords, bank accounts, email and your phone number. fill in all the requested data2x correctly and clearly. guarantee the secrecy of your personal data stored on our servers entirely with high security protection.
Log In:
Once members register, then the member can directly log in with a user id and password have been previously registered themselves. login menu located at the top right of the main website
deposit is a menu to replenish the coin or chip on your account, after you initiate the transfer of funds, you are expected to click the deposit to confirm your coins or chips, fill in all requested information and click submit, if you deposit a valid confirmation of the coin or chip your will increase automatically. Note: If the bank is concerned offline, the deposit may be longer.
Withdraw is melting from the menu, to make your coin into cash which will be transferred by our admin to your account within 30 minutes after the selama2xnya you do withdraw. to withdraw data2x please fill out all right and then click send. Note: delivery time may be longer if the system offline from the bank concerned.
profile menu is useful here to make changes to your login and password to upload an avatar or photo identity as a member of a poker game with the other member-member
if you have difficulties please contact our admin support to help via chat.
Lobby Games:
This is where members start the game, click the play now and after a short loading you can start a battle with other member2x real poker game.
user id:
For those members who do not have a user id can directly click on menu list and fill in all the requested data2x following the desired user id, passwords, bank accounts, email and your phone number. fill in all the requested data2x correctly and clearly. guarantee the secrecy of your personal data stored on our servers entirely with high security protection.
Log In:
Once members register, then the member can directly log in with a user id and password have been previously registered themselves. login menu located at the top right of the main website
deposit is a menu to replenish the coin or chip on your account, after you initiate the transfer of funds, you are expected to click the deposit to confirm your coins or chips, fill in all requested information and click submit, if you deposit a valid confirmation of the coin or chip your will increase automatically. Note: If the bank is concerned offline, the deposit may be longer.
Withdraw is melting from the menu, to make your coin into cash which will be transferred by our admin to your account within 30 minutes after the selama2xnya you do withdraw. to withdraw data2x please fill out all right and then click send. Note: delivery time may be longer if the system offline from the bank concerned.
profile menu is useful here to make changes to your login and password to upload an avatar or photo identity as a member of a poker game with the other member-member
if you have difficulties please contact our admin support to help via chat.
Lobby Games:
This is where members start the game, click the play now and after a short loading you can start a battle with other member2x real poker game.
History of Games
The origin of the video game / video games lies in early cathode ray tube-based missile defense systems in the late 1940's. These programs were later adapted into other simple games in the era of the 1950's. In the late 1950s and through the 1960s, more computer games were developed (mostly on mainframe computers), gradually the level of sophistication and complexity co pu increases. Following this period, video games diverge to different platforms: arcade, mainframe, console, personal computer and later handheld games.
The company's first commercial video game console was Computer Space in 1971, which laid the foundation for a new entertainment industry in the late 1970s in the United States, Japan, and Europe. but the company did not last long was largely caused by the flood of video games coming to the market resulted in the total collapse of the console gaming industry worldwide, ultimately shifting dominance of the market from North America to Japan. But inihanya affect the console gaming market, the computer gaming market was largely unaffected. The next generation of video game consoles will continue to be dominated by Japanese companies. Despite several attempts will be made by the North American and European companies, fourth generation consoles, their efforts will ultimately fail. . It was not until the sixth generation of video game consoles would a non-Japanese company release a commercially successful console system. The market has followed the same path with several unsuccessful attempts made by American companies all of which failed outside some limited successes in the handheld electronic games early on. Currently only Japanese companies have great success handheld game consoles, although in recent years has come to a handheld game devices such as mobile phones and PDAs.
First Generation
The first generation of video game consoles lasted from 1972, with the release of the Magnavox Odyssey, until 1977, when the "pong"-style console manufacturers left the market en masse because of the introduction and success of microprocessor-based console
The second generation
In the history of computer and video games, the second generation (commonly referred to as the beginning of the era of 8 bit or more than 4 bit era) began in 1976 with the release of the Fairchild Channel F and Radofin 1292 Advanced Programmable Video system. In the second generation of this era that are excellent gaming console is a gaming console ATARI. Some examples of the second generation of games consoles can be seen as well. Of ki-ka is Fairchild Channel F, Atari 2600, Magnavox Odyssey ver. 2, Atari 5200
Third Generation
The third generation began in 1983 with the Japanese Family Computer tau marketed better known as the Famicom (later known as the Nintendo Entertainment System in the world). While the previous generation consoles also use an 8-bit processor, at the end of this generation of home consoles was first labeled by their "bits". It also came into vogue as a 16-bit system like the Mega Drive / Genesis marketed to differentiate between console generations. In the United States, this generation in gaming is mainly dominated by the NES / Famicom. In this era, also the game console war between the company's first Nintendo console with SEGA.
The fourth generation
The fourth generation or referred to the 16-bit era, this generation NES received rave reviews all over the world, and a company called Sega tried to compete with Nintendo. In 1988, Sega released their next-generation console, the Sega Mega Drive (also known as the Sega Genesis). The console presents sharper images and animations are much smoother than the NES. The console was quite successful applying pressure, but NES stick with high sales figures. Two years later, in 1990, Nintendo kicked back with their next-gen consoles, SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System). Over the past 4 years, Nintendo and Sega became rivals, although some manufacturers such as SNK NeoGeo with her, NEC Turbografx-16 and Phillips CD-i, but both consoles they are so reliable and popular.
Year 1989
Nintendo released a handheld video game system, Game Boy. Price: $ 109.
NEC released a video game system Turbografx-16, PC Engine version of North America. Price: $ 189.
Sega releases the Sega Genesis video game system. Price: $ 249.
Atari released the first color handheld games Atari Lynx. Price: $ 149.
NEC released an enhanced version of their PC Engine console in Japan, SuperGrafx. Only 5 video game titles that take advantage of this game and never sold commercially outside of Japan.
Year 1990
Trip Hawkins exit founded Electronic Arts and 3DO.
NEC Turbografx CD released for the Turbografx-16 expansion, upgrade the system with a CD-ROM. Price: $ 399.
SNK releasing Neo-Geo (AES), for the first time the system really brings the arcade to home. Price: $ 699.
Final Fantasy SquareSoft released first in what will be the best role-playing game on the system console.
Sega released the Game Gear handheld video game system.
Microprose formed.
NEC released the Turbografx-16 hanheld of their console, TurboExpress.
Year 1991
Commodore released a CD-based video game system, CDTV. Price: $ 999.
Fujitsu FM Towns Marty released, the first 32-bit console in the world.
Nintendo released the Super Nintendo. Price: $ 199.
Joe Santulli and Kevin Oleniacz form Digital Press, an independent publication for video game collectors systems.
Two major publishers entertaintment PC, Cinemaware and Epyx, cap.
Year 1992
Philips released the CD-based video game system, CD-i.
Sega released Sega CD expansion for the Sega Genesis.
The fifth generation
Fifth generation, also known as the 32 bit console era. where the most popular game console in this generation is the Sony Playstation
The sixth generation
The sixth generation is characterized by the emergence of game consoles next generation of their respective companies such as SONY, SEGA, Nintendo and the emergence of another new game console launched by Microsoft, named Xbox. This game console wars eventually lead to the fall of SEGA console companies are no longer able to continue the next generation consoles (Dreamcast) and they prefer to concentrate in the manufacture gaming consoles.
Seventh Generation
Due to the growing sophistication of technology in the field of technology then the biggest console 3 companies (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) reissue their next-generation console's latest. Sony releases the next-gen console called PS3 (Playstation 3), Nintendo Wii and Nintendo with then Microsoft with the Xbox 360. In this generation the system developed online games or games that involve many players are connected with their consoles and the abandonment of single player games.
The company's first commercial video game console was Computer Space in 1971, which laid the foundation for a new entertainment industry in the late 1970s in the United States, Japan, and Europe. but the company did not last long was largely caused by the flood of video games coming to the market resulted in the total collapse of the console gaming industry worldwide, ultimately shifting dominance of the market from North America to Japan. But inihanya affect the console gaming market, the computer gaming market was largely unaffected. The next generation of video game consoles will continue to be dominated by Japanese companies. Despite several attempts will be made by the North American and European companies, fourth generation consoles, their efforts will ultimately fail. . It was not until the sixth generation of video game consoles would a non-Japanese company release a commercially successful console system. The market has followed the same path with several unsuccessful attempts made by American companies all of which failed outside some limited successes in the handheld electronic games early on. Currently only Japanese companies have great success handheld game consoles, although in recent years has come to a handheld game devices such as mobile phones and PDAs.
First Generation
The first generation of video game consoles lasted from 1972, with the release of the Magnavox Odyssey, until 1977, when the "pong"-style console manufacturers left the market en masse because of the introduction and success of microprocessor-based console
The second generation
In the history of computer and video games, the second generation (commonly referred to as the beginning of the era of 8 bit or more than 4 bit era) began in 1976 with the release of the Fairchild Channel F and Radofin 1292 Advanced Programmable Video system. In the second generation of this era that are excellent gaming console is a gaming console ATARI. Some examples of the second generation of games consoles can be seen as well. Of ki-ka is Fairchild Channel F, Atari 2600, Magnavox Odyssey ver. 2, Atari 5200
Third Generation
The third generation began in 1983 with the Japanese Family Computer tau marketed better known as the Famicom (later known as the Nintendo Entertainment System in the world). While the previous generation consoles also use an 8-bit processor, at the end of this generation of home consoles was first labeled by their "bits". It also came into vogue as a 16-bit system like the Mega Drive / Genesis marketed to differentiate between console generations. In the United States, this generation in gaming is mainly dominated by the NES / Famicom. In this era, also the game console war between the company's first Nintendo console with SEGA.
The fourth generation
The fourth generation or referred to the 16-bit era, this generation NES received rave reviews all over the world, and a company called Sega tried to compete with Nintendo. In 1988, Sega released their next-generation console, the Sega Mega Drive (also known as the Sega Genesis). The console presents sharper images and animations are much smoother than the NES. The console was quite successful applying pressure, but NES stick with high sales figures. Two years later, in 1990, Nintendo kicked back with their next-gen consoles, SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System). Over the past 4 years, Nintendo and Sega became rivals, although some manufacturers such as SNK NeoGeo with her, NEC Turbografx-16 and Phillips CD-i, but both consoles they are so reliable and popular.
Year 1989
Nintendo released a handheld video game system, Game Boy. Price: $ 109.
NEC released a video game system Turbografx-16, PC Engine version of North America. Price: $ 189.
Sega releases the Sega Genesis video game system. Price: $ 249.
Atari released the first color handheld games Atari Lynx. Price: $ 149.
NEC released an enhanced version of their PC Engine console in Japan, SuperGrafx. Only 5 video game titles that take advantage of this game and never sold commercially outside of Japan.
Year 1990
Trip Hawkins exit founded Electronic Arts and 3DO.
NEC Turbografx CD released for the Turbografx-16 expansion, upgrade the system with a CD-ROM. Price: $ 399.
SNK releasing Neo-Geo (AES), for the first time the system really brings the arcade to home. Price: $ 699.
Final Fantasy SquareSoft released first in what will be the best role-playing game on the system console.
Sega released the Game Gear handheld video game system.
Microprose formed.
NEC released the Turbografx-16 hanheld of their console, TurboExpress.
Year 1991
Commodore released a CD-based video game system, CDTV. Price: $ 999.
Fujitsu FM Towns Marty released, the first 32-bit console in the world.
Nintendo released the Super Nintendo. Price: $ 199.
Joe Santulli and Kevin Oleniacz form Digital Press, an independent publication for video game collectors systems.
Two major publishers entertaintment PC, Cinemaware and Epyx, cap.
Year 1992
Philips released the CD-based video game system, CD-i.
Sega released Sega CD expansion for the Sega Genesis.
The fifth generation
Fifth generation, also known as the 32 bit console era. where the most popular game console in this generation is the Sony Playstation
The sixth generation
The sixth generation is characterized by the emergence of game consoles next generation of their respective companies such as SONY, SEGA, Nintendo and the emergence of another new game console launched by Microsoft, named Xbox. This game console wars eventually lead to the fall of SEGA console companies are no longer able to continue the next generation consoles (Dreamcast) and they prefer to concentrate in the manufacture gaming consoles.
Seventh Generation
Due to the growing sophistication of technology in the field of technology then the biggest console 3 companies (Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft) reissue their next-generation console's latest. Sony releases the next-gen console called PS3 (Playstation 3), Nintendo Wii and Nintendo with then Microsoft with the Xbox 360. In this generation the system developed online games or games that involve many players are connected with their consoles and the abandonment of single player games.
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